To make things easier for blox and you all to understand, my intention at first getting my job was:
-Buy new stuff for myself, new clothing as the old ones are YEARS old and small.
-Buy a new bed, a new desk, new chair, new dresser, etc. iv done like half of these in 10 months.
-Buy a amazing server box, in similar quality if not better than my computer(i7 6700k @ 4.0ghz/32gb of ddr4 ram/gtx 1080/SSD)
However, Iv hardly been able to complete any of these goals for one reason:
My rent is 500$ Monthly, Then 80$ for rides, then another 60$~ For food monthly, excluding any amount of junk food(Which is usually 30$~60$~), then i got netflix, crunchyroll, funimation bills, and last but not least, the server at like 50$ Monthly.
Add that all together, im spending almost 800$ a month. That leaves me with only 300-400$ left in the bank per month. And with the recent purchase of a new bed, and acquiring a new chair as a christmas present, im now broke relatively again. thus im cutting some expenses like my funimation and server bills, cutting back on some junk food so i can finish more of my goals.
Now, For the current server, i am still paying for january, and probably feb, but ill probably be stopping the billing there. The account still has an extra 35$ in it so it'l last another month after my billing stops but thats it. ill be notifying blox when i cancel my billing so he can begin backing stuff up appropriately.
I personally would like to pass hosting over to someone else like
@kevinminion who is the biggest donator we have, but i haven't heard back from him at all on that thought.
Lastly, i will still pitch in donations every once in awhile, but reoccuring payments of 60$ is a no go from me, i can spare some money but not that all the time. like i wouldnt be opposed to setting up a 10$ CAD reoccurring donation for the patreon either.