Author Topic: Dynesior Ban request (Keeves)  (Read 13069 times)


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Dynesior Ban request (Keeves)
« on: September 08, 2015, 09:13:55 pm »
Your Name: KeevesSteamid: STEAM_0:1:53319032

Your Rank: Admin
Player You are Reporting: Dynesior

Their Rank: Trusted (Formally Ultratrusted promoted and demoted by me)

Their SteamID: STEAM_0:1:46393644

Reason: Previously reported multiple times for blowing up naquadah gen on spawn, minging and I have also banned him multiple times for intentionally shooting on spawn, putting a flamethrower in spawn, intentionally shooting my ship(which was at spawn) with pew pew missiles and leaving the server and etc. About 1 or 2 days ago when I was afk to eat, he intentionally blew a bomb in spawn. Hank was fortunate enough to provide me with proofs

Witlessness by staff myself before (not talking about recent one).

Ban Duration: Permanent ban is most suitable but longer than 2 months.

Reason for ban duration:
I do not know where you got the stereotype for staff banning for week for minor offense but I usually don't ban permanently or for a week without reason. Same thing goes with Crota, I only perma ban request when player comes on the server only to intentionally harm the community and the players, which Dynesior does.

As I said at the top, Dynesior intentionally violated rules multiple times, several of which I observed and punished him for his actions. But from recent report, it is evident that he comes on to the server with intention of minging, which he himself said, "I don't give a fuck" through mic and typed "idgaf for the second time"(proof above).

If for some reason you do not want to ban the cancer permanently, ban him longer than 2 months as he usually joins the server every 3 weeks to minge, and I week ban have no effect on him.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 09:17:26 pm by Keeves »
아 시발이거 번역하는 사람들은 병신.   -Mr.Keeves-


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Re: Dynesior Ban request (Keeves)
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2015, 10:15:31 pm »
Accepted, permaban will be in place soon.