IGN: 圣诞节的猫 (Christmas Cat)
Current Rank: Donator (Normal $10 Donation)
Age: 17
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79569436, 64 is: 76561198119404600
Rank Applying For: Ultra Trusted Donator
Have you been banned from one of our servers: Yes. I can't remember what is was, but here's a link to appeal:
https://bloxgaming.com/forum/index.php/topic,692.0.htmlWhy you are applying: Because I want to, and I love this server!
How can you help the server: Probably helping around with helping new players and "enforcing" the rules. (I'll drop the shooting if spawn-killing!)
Any staff that can/have vouch(ed) for you: Shifty.
( Comment below to vouch! ((if your staff)) )
Some Paragraph:
So, I've made it this far on the server at 1 week. If I get this rank, I will dedicate myself to this server, and may leave ACF. ACF has been my life of Garry's Mod for a while, but Spacebuild I find more fun. Like I said, I would help new players, enforce rules, and always be on. I'd "try" to prevent spawnkill, and shooting of any weapons on the spawn planet(s). I hope I get this rank, because I love this server. And I love all the staff on it.