ADMIN NOTE: This post has been pinned as an example of how to properly share your programs.
Place a EGP v3 HUD then place this E2 chip.
Wire > Visuals > Screens > EGP v3 - select HUD in the drop down before placing it in the world
Use the Advence Wire Tool to wire the HUD[wirelink] input of the E2 to the [wirelink] of the EGP v3 HUD
Press E (use) on the EGP v3 HUD button to activate it.
As it is, it converts to Eastern Time (USA).
@name Blox_The_Time
@inputs HUD:wirelink
@persist K ScreenHeight ScreenWidth
interval(1000) # update every second (1000ms)
if (first() | dupefinished()) {
ScreenWidth = egpScrW(owner())
ScreenHeight= egpScrH(owner())
K = 230 # This can be any number 1-300. If you have other HUD elements, you may need to adjust this
TimeHour = time("hour")
TimeMin = time("min")
TimeSec = time("sec")
# Convert GMT to EST (12 hour clock)
if (TimeHour < 5) {
TimeHour = TimeHour + 8
} else {
TimeHour = TimeHour - 4
# Make it look pretty
if (TimeHour < 10) {
StrHour = "0" + TimeHour
} else {
StrHour = "" + TimeHour
if (TimeMin < 10) {
StrMin = "0" + TimeMin
} else {
StrMin = "" + TimeMin
if (TimeSec < 10) {
StrSec = "0" + TimeSec
} else {
StrSec = "" + TimeSec
# Place the time in the lower left-hand corner
HUD:egpText(K,"Time: " + StrHour + ":" + StrMin + ":" + StrSec,vec2(10,ScreenHeight - 30))
Let me know if you have any questions / suggestions / optimizations!