Our Servers > Modded

Revelations Server


Does anyone know why the Revelations server is currently down?

Unknown. It was online by the time I got back from class this morning so I've left it alone. Please send me a PM or email (through forums - those email me unlike Steam) if it occurs again so that I can hopefully take a peek at it while its still having whatever problem.

Update: I've found something in the logs. It looks like there was a crash from something that @Dragonslayer7516 did, it appears to be related to a /dank/null. It was around 7:45AM ET the day of the crash. Can you give me some details about what you were doing Dragonslayer?

Update: Looks like the /dank/null crash was just an oddity. As for the more recent couple of crashes @ToxicTeddy can you please make sure that all devices related to a fission reactor in NuclearCraft are chunkloaded including any chunks they may cross the chunk border into?

It is all within one chunk @bloxgate the crash was related to a bug in nuclearcraft that will not happen again.


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