Our Servers > Expression 2 (E2) Code

Trying to get a list of planet names?



It's late, so maybe I'm just missing something...

I'm trying to use PlanetName = MyEntity:sbEnvName() to grab a list of all planet names in a map, but most everything I've tried to plug in for MyEntity returns an empty string.

PlanetName = owner():sbEnvName() returns the expected string

I've tried creating holos at the planet centers and then using PlanetName = Holo:sbEnvName() but that also returns an empty string.

Is there another way to get all of the planet names?

Look in E2Helper for getPlanetName. Just target the planet's entity, and give that to the function.

@bloxgate Thank you for the nudge in the right direction, the code snippet below is working for me now.

--- Code: ---        findByClass("logic_case")
        Planets = findToArray() # returns array of entities
        for(K=1,Planets:count()) {
            ThisPlanet = Planets[K,entity]
            print(K + ": " + getPlanetName(ThisPlanet) + " : " + ThisPlanet:pos())

--- End code ---


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