Our Servers > Legit Reports

[Legit] Skeletonman7


Your Name: Kevin Minion

Your SteamID: In Profile

Your Rank: Dev-Admin

Player You are Reporting: SkeletonMan7

Their SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59512712

Reason: Server Crash trying to produce "singularity nuke" or something similar by parenting 100+ missiles together and exploding them all at once.  In a build bay, destroying other players' creations.

https://gyazo.com/7a1fc38f61282d4b06d530a1cf429cb6 My console, spammed with this "creation"
https://gyazo.com/309776daeb3c11b4f4e1afb6b09eac23 Him carrying this "bomb"
https://gyazo.com/f30abc90453f1b20d999ffa32f8331b4 Him setting it off, part of another player's ship still visible (before server crash)

This player has a history of this sort of crap. Action will be taken shortly.


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