Our Servers > Player/Staff Report

Ban request for rickrobster STEAM_0:1:97992150


Your Name: ☠ZE1K☠ (aka, "Londong Van Hugenrod") (KBTBA, "The Cock")
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:23658574
Your Rank: Moderator
Player You are Reporting: rickrobster
Their SteamID: STEAM_0:1:97992150
Reason: Motherfucker crashed the fuck mothering server on purpose.
Evidence: Chat logs (which i do not have access to but blox might). I think he asked "can i crash the server?" in chat. Then, after exclaiming in voice chat "im crashing the server" the server experienced massive latency then crashed. I have two witnesses, Zanzetkuken, and [BACM] Silence Echoes.

This kid seems like an in and out crash hopper. You can perma ban him or not, hes probably not coming back to the server any time soon

Can I get the other two inputs? But yea I'm guessing this player is just a troll.

Reason: Motherfucker crashed the fuck mothering server on purpose. (Epic)

I have a way with words.

Also, I'm not close with the witnesses that were there, so I really don't feel like hunting them down and getting them to make an account. I'll do it but please don't make me.

He has been getting and bugging players about duping there ships. To win something. Need some more inputs still


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