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Reporting dynamo DOGE

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Your Name: tanksinatra
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15144185
Your Rank: Trusted

Player You are Reporting: dynamo DOGE
Their SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79740281
Reason: Spawnkilling and votekick abuse
Evidence: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=491616305
He's also committed various other infractions, one example being https://bloxgaming.com/forum/index.php/topic,571.0.html.

Will need to hear tank's side of the story, he doesn't have an account yet so someone point him here please.

I know this is real. he has done this in the past several times regardless of my warnings I believe it is time to ban him.
on top of that having multiple reports on dynamo. he doesn't listen and he just gets pissed off after I tell him not to do things on spawn and then tells me that I can't ban him. So yea... I'm done with dynamo :-\ dynamo

Bert John:
i agree with @razgriz just today he was causing a ruckus on spawn. Several times i considered banning him(Even kicked him aswell), Not sure about @Keeves  but im sure it was on his mind aswell to ban him.

A reminder about the warning system available to admins and higher (moderators soon), if a user gains to many warning in a time period they can be automatically kicked and/or banned.


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