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Messages - Bert John

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Approved Applications / Re: Sabo's Ultra-Trusted Application
« on: August 27, 2015, 09:34:13 am »
+1 For Sabo to be ultra.

Legit Reports / Re: Perma ban this id STEAM_0:0:59882116
« on: August 21, 2015, 07:27:48 pm »
Can we just perma him already? He's only here to cause trouble.

 Also, @razgriz YOU STOLE MY BAN D: I WANTED TO BAN HIM T_T. But hes never on to let me ban him ingame T_T

BloxGaming SB3 / Re: SBEP Manual inputs for Bert
« on: August 21, 2015, 04:45:10 am »
@bloxgate Wheres the format for SBEP pages?

You might want to add more info on parenting. What to parent, what settings, and how to fix a bad parent.
Also maybe some info on the ship cores. As in how are stats determined ?

Im adding pages for all the important tools(Part spawner, assembler, multi parent, etc). I might do ship cores, but i might not as its being replaced soon with something better.

I am adding pages for everything else tho, I did weapons first since there the most commonly asked thing on the server besides using and wiring a gyropod. then i encountered a bug, Leading me to stop working on them, I almost had all of them too.

BloxGaming SB3 / Re: SBEP Manual inputs for Bert
« on: August 20, 2015, 05:14:58 am »
@bloxgate Wheres the format for SBEP pages?

Rejected Applications / Re: Sticky's Admin Application
« on: August 20, 2015, 05:14:09 am »

@Lt.Col.Catalyst[88thMC]  Remarks like that is why i have little opinion of troll, At first i thought what people said about meep being the issue, but its actually troll just digging his own grave.
Its funny how he wondered why he wasn't a moderator when he had his ultra.

ANYWAYS. Sticky mah man, You need to take a look at yourself before you wreck yourself (LOL). Look at your performance as staff, And take it back a few notchs. Don't take it back so far that even you become even more passive then myself but if someone tells you to piss off, you tell em back to there face with 50 phaser shots :3, Not a ban or some shit.

Or even follow your own staff moderation method, This is mine: "If its not bothering me or others, IDGAF". i know other staff just goes by there own methods, Like Ze1k & Keeves for example follow rules to the word, Others like razgriz and cata seem like they just want to build there own shit and moderate on the side. Perhaps you should take on another moderation method or tone down the one your going with(Rules to the word)

All in all, Aslong as your performance changes for the better(IE Not banning someone for a week for saying fuck you sticky) i think i can +1 you for admin.

EDIT: The past few day events have shocked me in stickies behavior. So im changing this to a he shouldnt be admin. The actions he has recently begun is hater-favouritism and player intimidation, So im not supporting this until he changes his moderation skills for the better.

Player Creations / Sidonia
« on: August 15, 2015, 10:56:59 am »

New section, Well heres something to help kick it off.


Based off of the Anime & Manga "Knights Of Sidonia". Reference Photo here:
These photo's are backwards yes... I didnt take a photo from the back like the following picture... Whatever

If anyones interested, Its a REALLY good manga & has a great anime to back it. I love it personally. The manga & anime are almost the same, Theres a slight(Barely noticed it myself) differences in some parts. Such as certain pages are dragged out over like 5 to 10 minutes, But adds a LOT to the anime.

Tags: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Mature, Mecha, Romance, Sci-fi, Seinen

You can read the manga here:
Or watch the anime on netflix

The photo of this sidonia is version "Mini V1". I have a "V1" & "V2" & In the works, "Mini V2".
Goals i had in mind for the sidonia series:
-Not laggy
-Get as close as possible to the real thing as possible
-Be badass

V1: Didnt look great & wasn't that close to the real thing, Was strong tho.
V2: Too big, Looked great, had a nice interior, But can't fly or engage in combat without lagging the server.
MiniV1: Small, Looks like the real thing, Has a nice interior with entertainment, Lounge, Sleep quarters, But no bathroom, RIP RIP RIP so RIP.
MiniV2 Plans: All of MiniV1 but better with ability to get on and off the ship with teleporter or ship.

Approved Applications / Re: Application for Super by Razgriz
« on: August 15, 2015, 12:33:37 am »
Id support raz for super admin, Since hes pretty much the only most active admin on the server, With catalyst being right behind him.

Rejected / Re: Sproink's Ban Appeal
« on: August 09, 2015, 01:51:12 pm »
Why 24 hours? Well im not sure if hes using a trick or not to get past the ban. Blox once told me about someone getting past it, So i put a 24 hour one on until blox can figure out what happened to the first one. i am 100% positive i used ban & did it correctly. Not sure if theres some mischief going on here or not.

Why he was originally banned is he was freaking out over the microphone and simply would not drop the argument. So i gave him a little timeout because the way he was acting. The timeout didn't really work as intended tho.

Anyways, Its only 24 hours, Its not a very long ban time, Its over in like 12 hours.

Rejected / Re: Sproink's Ban Appeal
« on: August 09, 2015, 03:45:12 am »
Stupid forum... Messed up the post making it tiny

What was said:

Steam Profile Name: Sproink!
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:71539994
SteamID64: 76561198103345717
Ban Reason: By-Passing admin ban
Admin: Sticky
Reason To Unban You: I was building a station on a planet after an argument that was
10 minutes prior and no word or warning was given when I was banned.
Please I love building on the server and having to be kicked
and then banned for a stupid argument over whether a new player should use Gas System 3 or The base CAF systems is aggravating.

Okay, So i was the one who banned you. Not sticky.

Secondly, I kicked you originally for lying about H20 Splitters to a new player, Even tho i was the one explaining. Then i proceeded to ban you for an hour to cool off since you would not drop the subject whatsoever(While insulting me).

But then i noticed you re-joined, So i put another ban incase the first one didn't work. Which will last for 24 hours until bloxgate can deal with it.

Unlegit Reports / Re: Reporting Sticky
« on: August 08, 2015, 12:29:09 am »
On a more serious note, Blox you need to fix the editor on this forum, I hate when it does that to my posts... Heres OP's actual post without derp mode:

Your Name: BunBun
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60454139
Your Rank: Respected
Player You are Reporting: Sticky
Their SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81161198
Reason: Abuse/Handling of situation/powerEvidence:

Rejected Applications / Re: [Rejected] Pow's Staff Application :D
« on: August 03, 2015, 01:45:42 pm »
Nope, I just want the rank to enforce the rules, IF not that's fine. You're the ones missing out :3 [Head Admin, On here.]

Funny you say that, One would think that the all mighty apparant head admin would have admin powers in the group you know LOLOLOLOLOL.

Anyways, Even if you are a head admin, Your a piss poor admin, Nobody here wants you and i don't like you, And i haven't even met you on the server yet, So thats saying something.

Unlegit Reports / Re: Reporting ZE1K
« on: August 03, 2015, 03:32:37 am »
Can we get some proper chat logs of what transpired or ze1k mind explaining the situation, Just so theres some better context as OP Does not know how to report or follow format at all.

Rejected Applications / Re: [Rejected] Pow's Staff Application :D
« on: August 03, 2015, 03:29:37 am »

(Note this was written at 3:11am, So forgive the spelling/grammar)


Before i even go into your application and what alls wrong with it, You failed, Really hard on reporting a staff member. You posted chatlogs with no context of what happened, Nor full chat logs(To my knowledge) of the situation, Nor steam id/name or any format for that matter.

Now, With the application and whats wrong with it, Its poorly done, Very poorly done, The quality of the application is sub par, And iv declined hundreds of admin applicants on a few communities over the years, And this one is in the top 20. (Excluding the 1 line no info applications ofcourse)

Im just gonna delve into a few specific problems with your application, Quality aside ofcourse.

"Rank Applying For: Admin"
Shooting a bit high there aren't yah. Even i, Obviously the best staff member in bloxgaming history didnt shoot that high. (Sarcasm if you didnt realize)

"Why you are applying: I see that you have tons of rulebreakers."
Be honest, was there any thought here? Ignoring the fact that this is false(In regards to tons or "lots"). Granted you can't put much here, But like, The way its worded is very off putting, Err thats not the word im looking for, Its just bad.

"I can make sure no other staff is abusing their given powers"
Gonna tell you right now, I abuse my powers, And im sure 95% of the rest of the staff does too(In there own way). Foo i love PAC, Its within my power to use, So im gonna use it. Its the same with lets say razgriz, He built a home inside the dakura weapon entity(Admin only), Something that can destroy the server if ever activated. That doesn't mean were doing anything bad with them. Then we got pyro who spawned infestors on like 5 planets, Something that could destroy the entire server if left un-nuked- err un-checked. If you started getting on my ass about me abusing my power for my own selfish ambitions, Id slap you. This isnt a professional server, I don't think anyone expects much out of me other then to maintain the peace, Which i do as a side job when im having fun. As compensation for that work, I believe its quite fair for me to use my power in such a way. No admin or moderator gets on any other staff members moderation methods, I like to do it passively with the simple objective of, If it bugs me or other players, its my business. Otherwise have fun. Others just follow the MOTD Like ze1k, Im not gonna get on his ass about it.
Like hell, How many times have you shot me on spawn blox? Or how many times has the admins accidentally crashed the server. Really its not our business to bug other staff members on how they do things, Sometimes we mess up. Sometimes we want to have fun with the player base and have a little event players vs admins or players vs infestation etc. Really were not here to just sit and ban who we feel like, Were here to have fun, not be stuck up assholes who think they must abide every rule to the letter. Like hell, Blox, How many times have you accidentally shot at spawn or shot me in the face on spawn COUGH COUGH NUDGE NUDGE

I hope you understand the "Bigger picture" here now pow

"(that's all sorry, I'm sleepy and when I'm sleepy I don't have much to type :L. If I need more just let me know with a reply, thx  )"
So your lazy, Something you should know, and learn REAL fast, With ALL applications(From jobs irl to staff positions in your favorite game community), LAZYNESS DOESNT WORK. Poor oberservation/ignorance does work, But lazyness, Does not. If your lazy, We don't need you in the staff, At all. You would hurt the community without you even realizing it whatsoever.
Take a look here:,548.0.html
Thats my staff application, That took me about 10 to 15 minutes to make. Wasn't a very tough application to make either, Had my info, some of my qualities and my ambitions hinted on it. Altogether a average application that would pass on most server staff application boards.
Regarding how much work is involved in admin work, In a professional community, You can see here:
All the bans iv ever done in that community. Proof, Reason, Steam id, name, server, and date. Lots of work involved with each ban, About 5 to 10 minutes each. Luckily with bloxgaming there isnt such a need for so much info, So i can freely just ban with sufficient reasoning/proof.

With that all said, Being staff is no place for lazy people. You wont get far as lazy staff.

"Staff vouching for you: none"
This is pretty much a requirement at this point, To even be considered.

Rejected / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: August 03, 2015, 02:54:21 am »
Don't think I've seen you before but still i'll take your word for it, so does this mean i'm still banned?

Im the moderator that has a bunch of pets around him, Such as a strider, a hl2 city scanner, a pixie, a vortigaunt, and a headcrab. Really there isn't any other player like me on the server atm

To refresh your memory a little, on the map sb_battlegrounds, you were working on a platform above the lake, had a bunch of hydro pumps or something, you killed your friend, i froze you, teleported to you, i proceeded to tell you over microphone to not spawn kill, Which you then said you had no speakers, But then your friend started replying in your stead saying your friends n all. I told them to tell you that it is not allowed to spawn kill, Even if it is friends, It encourages others to do it when it clearly isnt allowed. Apparently my message was never relayed to your ears like i asked.

Rejected / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: August 02, 2015, 10:24:06 pm »
I am not sticky, However, I have told you before that you are to NOT kill on spawn whatsoever, Even if you are friends with the victim, As it encourages others to do the same (Leading to a misconception that its okay to kill people on spawn).

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