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Messages - RendStung

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Development / Re: New Spacebuild Roleplay and Other Relveant Ideas
« on: July 01, 2017, 08:46:34 am »
@kevinminion For the factions and money, DarkRP has scripts in it to handle that. The whole idea would be to edit DarkRP. Also, one thing I needed to note is the question if it should be for Spacebuild 3, or an open framework ready for Spacebuild 4 when it is ready.

Also, more detail with the idea of space NPCs, all but the space police would likely be weak allowing newer players to take them down. Maybe make the space police very slow in order for newer players who are not armed enough to try to run.

Oh, and Spacebuild 4 will have a lot of stuff within official, including mining and damage/weapon systems.

Development / Re: New Spacebuild Roleplay and Other Relveant Ideas
« on: July 01, 2017, 08:40:27 am »
@bloxgate I have no idea how I managed to screw something as simple as roman numerals up. I made sure to fix it.

Development / New Spacebuild Roleplay and Other Relveant Ideas
« on: June 30, 2017, 10:49:42 pm »
Recently I have gotten the idea of heavily modifying DarkRP into a new Spacebuild RP. I will try to put the more interesting or important ideas at the top of the list. These are my ideas:

•Add a looting system/more reason to blow people up.
    I. Perhaps have a parent object which is invisible that spawns a child object (storage device) inside of it.
    II. Make the child prop invulnerable to all damage until the parent is destroyed. When that happens the           child will become independent and free from all prop protection, allowing it to be wreckage from ships that can be salvaged or stolen for the resources stored inside.

•Make noclip obsolete with hoverchair entities that can be used to build with, but useless for most other purposes.
   I. It could be a simple vehicle used with the weapon in vehicle addon to build and have some hovering abilities.

•Utilize DarkRP functions like the store and dealers to sell things mined from asteroids or scrapped from ships.
  I. Price the absolute basics for a tiny ship free, but limited to a small amount like one resource node and one small resource cache.
  II. Make items go up in price with their effectivity or storage capacity.
  III. Nerf wiremod so that players can't use their small water pump generate five million water per second.
  IV. Leave the barren skeletons of wrecked ships as frozen props that can be scrapped (maybe with mining drills) depending on either size or mass and give resources that can be sold accordingly. This will have to be further thought into as players could just spawn a basic prop and then mine it for free resources.
  V. Add aditional entities like the hover chair to replace essential functions to the store.

•Give some sort of jobs/factions thing.
  I. Utilize unused SBEP ragdolls by giving appropriate jobs for the models(and maybe animating them if they have none.)
  II. People who have been around the server for long enough (or other criteria) can request for a faction to be made. The creator will be the faction leader and will have the job for that faction given to them. From there they will have the ability to invite players to specific jobs within their specific faction.
  III. Maybe have a name prefix system that is associated to the player's common actions such as things like mining, scrapping, or piracy.
  IV. Add space police. Either a job that people can go for with preset ships for free, or entities that fly around like a grob but with more advanced AI.
•Utilize unused SBEP props.
  I. DarkRP has a built-in hunger function, and SBEP has food props!
  II. Custom weapons using the SBEP weapons models. Maybe even replace default models of HL2 weapons or edit the guns that come with the DarkRP addon.
  III. This may be pushing it, but script some of the stuff that has never been used no matter where you look. Such as the sattelites or some of the weapons.
•Find a suitable map or make a map that would work well with this.
  I. I feel that when this is done (if anyone even starts it) that normal spacebuild maps will not work very well and it is likely that we will need to create  a map that fits the exact needs of the gamemode with several habitable planets that are spawn points for different species/factions.
•Maybe add some things for people to do when no one else is on, such as ships manned by NPCs that won't attack spawn planets and other entertaining things that people can enjoy and still get money from doing.

I was talking about this with Shifty and he liked it. I'd like to see what others would think so please respond on your opinion or other ideas for this.

Expression 2 (E2) Code / Re: E2 - orbiting ship
« on: June 18, 2017, 04:41:39 pm »
It's simple, make it go up and set AimPos to the center of the planet.

Player/Staff Report / Re: [SSC] XxDogmeatxX Report
« on: June 03, 2017, 09:22:37 pm »

Denied / Re: RendStung's Whitelist Application
« on: May 26, 2017, 03:06:47 pm »
I've fixed what I have done, and they would appear to not have even come on yet. Hopefully they don't notice.

Denied / Re: RendStung's Whitelist Application
« on: May 26, 2017, 02:19:34 pm »
Though I do not have proof, a group of people joined and for some reason decided to start trash talking. Well, actually, blox you're gonna see right through this. I must admit that I was a bad boy and I am going to pay for this. No reason to hide it. At this point it's up to you, blox. Say I learned a lesson by getting banned for a week and deny this, or even go further and take away my rank on spacebuild 3. I no longer see this as an application, but rather a lesson to me of what happens when you decide to mess with some people. Do whatever you want to.

Denied / [Denied] RendStung's Whitelist Application (Mind Changed)
« on: May 25, 2017, 07:01:28 pm »
Age: 13

MC Username: thisissoboss

How did you find out about BloxGaming? I am a moderator on the Spacebuild 3 Garry's Mod server and have played some of the bloxgaming vanilla minecraft.

Have you ever been banned from a BloxGaming server? I was teleporting people off of spawn to kill them on the Spacebuild 3 server once.

What experience do you have with modded Minecraft? I've spent a lot of time playing with mods. Voltz has always been special to me for unknown reasons, and I have set up bases which lasted a decent amount of time on various voltz servers. More recently I played some Tekkit Legends.

Are you willing to cooperate with your neighbors on the server (e.g. Copying Chromaticraft pages and AE2 presses)? They would likely have to gain my trust first. If they are a part of this community that I am farmiliar with I will likely trust them more. I will likely follow this though.

Do you understand that unclaimed land is not protected from grief and will not be restored except in extreme circumstances? Yes, I do.

Do you agree with the server's rules? Yes, the only thing I might have an issue with is not lagging as I may not know the kind of stuff I'm messing with therefore I may cause unnecessary lag.

Do you agree to be responsible with your builds (i.e. don't
intentionally  build something super laggy)? Yes, I completely agree to comply with this.

Do you understand that banned items are banned for a reason, and arguing will not get them unbanned? I know blox, and I know he's not going to ban something for no reason. He'll have an excuse at least!

Do you agree to have fun? Heck yeah! Woo!

I have decided that I should not play this as I have discovered that in survival games, you're either my friend or my enemy, and being my friend is unlikely to happen in-game. This mindset means I'll probably grief all of your stuff and kill you on sight. This is what I get like when I play survival games, even as simple as minecraft. I'll probably not play on Bloxgaming servers except for the Spacebuild 3 as there I'm not going to hate everyone and want to destroy everything they have.

I expect that this be denied soon.

Approved / Re: Whitelist Application - xInf3rn0
« on: May 22, 2017, 08:21:08 pm »
This guy has had a large amount of pvp including modded. One man, he errected a base in the twilight forest with a full tinker's construct smeltery and some of the best materials there were. He jumped into voltz alongside me during a time where I was building up a bit, but some stuff was about to go down. He picked up enough and we made a few bases before some admin gave us a base just because he felt like it. That server got reset :P . That's all I can remember except that I know he's been in vanilla pvp for...years I think. Sorry for the extensive and unnecessary message.

Vanilla / Re: Server Map
« on: May 22, 2017, 02:41:19 pm »
Thanks m8

Vanilla / Server Map
« on: May 21, 2017, 06:45:19 pm »
I know the website for the map pops up in chat, but over a period of too long. Anyone know what it is?

BloxGaming SB3 / Re: Request
« on: May 03, 2017, 08:04:47 pm »
The use of massive things, like crate movers or space ship parts, could serve as space-fillers.

BloxGaming SB3 / Re: Request
« on: May 01, 2017, 07:09:46 pm »
Perhaps have some cargo hanging from the ceiling? Lights? Big window? I may have some more ideas soon.

Approved Applications / Re: RendStung's Moderator Apllication
« on: April 23, 2017, 11:30:51 am »
Please note that this looked fine after written, but things such as the font size were messed up when it was posted.

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