BloxGaming Forums

Our Servers => Staff Applications => BloxGaming SB3 => Rejected Applications => Topic started by: codymitchell597 on July 20, 2015, 10:03:40 pm

Title: Codymitchell597: to be ultra trusted
Post by: codymitchell597 on July 20, 2015, 10:03:40 pm
Steam id :lavareddragon
Reason:to help other people when needed
No people have wanted me to be because I am new
I can be help full to the community for help because I am on thereva lot so far

Title: Re: Codymitchell597: to be ultra trusted
Post by: Rain on July 21, 2015, 12:56:39 am
Please put some effort into this. I'm going to deny this, because if you are new then why are you applying for ultra-trusted?
Title: Re: Codymitchell597: to be ultra trusted
Post by: Lt.Col.Catalyst[88thMC] on July 21, 2015, 02:28:20 am
Even if his post was better, he is nowhere near being ultra-trusted, all of his ships have tremendous lag problems and he has come close to being banned before. (multiple times may i add)
He also seems to constantly annoy allot of people on the server, and does not listen to any of the other players, or me sometimes for that matter.